image1 hi Rusty. just wanted i always look forward to listening to you on woko every thursday. im up here in canada and the station doesnt come in very clear , but i have it on loud even with all the static. thanks for keeping me smiling and i hope to make it to one of your shows one day.

Dear Mr. DeWees,
I am writing to tell you that I greatly enjoyed your article in the January 17th edition of the Country Courier ("I remember it well"). I couldn't agree more with your comments on Global Warming and winter weather. Weather is weather... unpredictable at best. It's nice to know that some folks still believe a good memory is all you need to understand it! Thanks again!

I just want to say thanks for making me laugh, I needed it. I went to see you Friday night in Claremont, NH. My uncle had just committed suicide on Monday and I had just gotten back from the funeral. I really needed to laugh, even if you did pick on Charlestown, NH. Thanks again, loved the show, it's about my 5th time seeing you.

Just dropping you an e-mail, I am the guy that wrote before that said I never read a book, well I caught up with ya at the fair and bought the book from ya's a few months ago. Well I am on page 26 now, really enjoying it so far, the short stories makes it much easier for me to read. You got some big words in there but I have a dictionary near by to help me with that. It might take a bit ferr me to read the whole thing but from what I read so far its like hanging with a friend having a beer and telling stories, very enjoyable so far.
P.S. on the bank teller- I got the same problem but its with this gal that works at the video store and she only works on Fridays. Makes it real tough.

Dear Mr. DeWees, Rusty, the Logger (do you have a preference?),
I grew up in Woodstock, VT. The first time I saw you, you were visiting my high school. I loved your show and I remember later on hearing that the teachers and administration thought it was inappropriate. I don't think they realized that the students used worse language than your Logger character. Since then my family and I have been fans. We try to go to your shows, we own your videos and I recently read your first book- it was great! I wanted to thank you. Last year my older brother was deployed to Iraq. Bob is a vermonter to the core, he is the picture of the backwoods, flannel, carhart, logger boot wearing Vermonter with the thick accent that usually you only understand if you've been around it for a while. The desert was in no way home to him- flat land with no trees and no snow. Me and my family would send him packages as often as we could. We would send him things that would remind him of home- pictures, maple candy, anything that we could think of that would help him keep his spirits up. One day my Mom and I came across your lastest DVD. We packaged it up and sent it out. We couldn't think of anything better that would bring Vermont to Bob. When he wasn't out looking for bombs he was able to watch you. I thank you for what you do, and taping it. My brother's tour is up. He's been in the states going through debriefing and will be back in Vermont by the end of the week! My family thanks you and hopes you continue making people smile and laugh as long as you can.

I just read your notes on my home town- Richford. I grew up there and graduated from RHS 1961. I first met Porky in the early 80's. The first thing he did to impress me was jump off a roof that was more than 12 feet off the ground. He was like a cat and a handful to boot. Porky has been my client and friend ever since. You caugimage2ht the town and him dead on. The first time I saw your act was at St. Mikes for Budville's chain saw dance or some such bit. I have followed your career. You get an A for trying and most importantly understanding what VT is/was about and the great loss we are going through. Frank Bryan and Bill Doyle are soft, cushy, wipes. They wouldn't know how to meet or get in on with the porkster if their miserable lives were in the balance. If there is a god in heavy Porky, you and me will enjoy a bowl and brew in that teat of the north east kingdom called Richford. I have every intention of being in Richford on Saturday, July 7th to attend my RHS reunion. I invite you to attend as my guest. By the by, did you for-get to put down that Jeff Tatro is a seventh son of a seventh son? I think he is biblical. We could do a lot worse than being supporting characters in his class act! My personal reference is being descended from the Arnolds as a benedict. I have a genetic hatred of the Ethan Allen usurp.

Dear Rusty,
I’m going to be twelve this Tuesday and I was wondering if you could come to my birthday party at “Pizza Putt” this Saturday (May 3rd) and hang out with me and my friends. I would appreciate this very much, please e-mail me back. THANKS!

Hi there,
I’m 17 and I have all your videos, and going to your show Friday (12/6) at BHS was really awesome. I wish I could have had a chance to talk to you.You’re hilarious and I hope you have more shows close by (BHS) I live in Colchedder (Colchester) and my parents won’t go all the way to Stowe just to see you. If I had a car I would be there for every show. I made my dad come with me to your show on Friday and I have never in my whole life seen my father laugh so much, it was best, thank you for helping me get him out of his recliner and the Labatt out of his hand for 2 hours! I’m not your number one fan per-say, but I keep track of where you go and try to be at one show per tour. Your show at First Night was really funny last year… I wish you were there this year! Have fun at your after Christmas shows, wish I could be there!! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Dear Rusty,
Just over a month has passed since our graduation, and already members of our class are starting to reminisce about our senior year. But if there is one event that every body loves to talk about, it is definitely our graduation ceremony; not because of the sentimental, symbolic aspect of moving on with our lives, but simply because we laughed until we were red in the face. Students from other area high schools came to watch our graduation, and they were all envious because they sleepily sat through long, boring speeches that seemed to have no end. They claimed to have more fun at our graduation than at their own. Not only was our entire class impressed with your speech, but parents have noted that you delivered your speech in such a way that we were all sitting on the edge of our seats, waiting for the next piece of credible advice you would give. I think I can safely say that everyone was very pleased with your speech. So I would just like to extend a well-deserved, grateful thank you from the class of 2003. Maybe you’ll be available for our 10-year reunion…? Thanks Again.

Dear Rusty,
Thank you for coming to speak at our graduation. You have taught us a lot. Besides learning the difference between slowing down and stopping, you have taught us to respect people. Not just some people, all people. We learned the small difference between Bill Clinton and a bum, and the reason they should both be treated with respect and courtesy; because we are all human. You reminded us never to use drugs or drink booze, which is very good to know. It’s nice to know you can be a star and not have to resort to drinking or other depressants. I promise I won’t be the first person to tell you I’m having a wonderful time drinking heavily. I really enjoyed having you come to Greensboro to speak at our graduation. It was a great honor to have “The Logger” come to our graduation as a guest and speaker. I always thought that a celebrity wouldn’t com to our graduation unless we paid them, but you came for free. I hope you enjoyed yourself, and I enjoyed having you there.

image3 Rusty,
God Damn Dude you are lookin’ good! I was at your show (with my husband) in Bradford on 10/27 and let me tell you…if I were single, I’d be ridin’ you like a tight pair of Levi’s EVERY NIGHT, and I DON’T mean maybe!!!!!!! Saw your two videos, but seeing you in person, it was awful difficult to concentrate on your material.

Guess I must confess, I am a ‘flatlandah’, fresh from NY (Westchester County area), moved to NH in August. Fitting in fine too, thank you very much!! Surpris
ed to hear of your 11 year residence in NYC. Were you working there? Well, maybe I’ll check ya at the Borders signing in W. Lebanon. With lust, Your #1, flatlandah, wanna-be groupie, sex-crazed Logger Fan.

Hey Rusty,
This is just a little piece of fan mail to let you know that my girlfriends and I (especially me) think you are the cutest thing ever! We tried to pin up your photo on the bathroom wall at eye level across from the Throne, but I got performance anxiety and had to move it. Ya can’t pee with somebody starin’ right at ya! I am consistently impressed with your performances and deeply appreciate the way you represent VT and our unsung local heroes. I never did get done to Thunder Road this past summer. Will you be racing again this year? I look forward to seeing you, hopefully in the winner’s circle.
Take care and have a spooky Halloween.

I went and saw your show and I almost threw up it was so funny. I could hardly contain my laughter and I was so glad that you were in this area and if I had known that you had to be asked to come to schools I would of asked you to come to my school. I have been living on cloud 9 since I saw your show and I have been unable to come off the cloud in which my mom says is a good thing. Well I have to get back to school work. Have a good day and I am one of your biggest fans. I will have a better day now that I have emailed you. ;-) From your biggest fan literally and figuratively.

Thanks for putting on such a god damn great show. I loved it. You are one of the funniest people I have ever met in my entire life. (which is only ten years)image4

RUSTY!! You are the man. I’m 16 years old and I’ve seen your movies and I’ ve seen you race. You are an inspiration to me. I love your work. I’m a true Vermonter and I’m going to take after you. I’ll see you soon in the town of Barre. And I am proud to be just like you. (A REDNECK)

Saw you last night. I am the gay, civil unioned, flatlander, teacher & school board member that was offended in your show. THANKS! It was great. I’ve just ordered a video to send to the family in flatlander country. Oh by the way, thanks for remembering the kids at the end. Especially Steven. You really had a great impact on the kids and it was noticed by the

Special Ed Teacher

Dear Rusty,
Thank you for enlivening our day here last week. I can’t think of anyone who has excited this student body like you did when you walked in our door. If you are ever looking for an ideal audience, you now know where to locate one. These kids are still talking about you and treasuring those calendars you so generously provided. It was great for me to see you and to realize how successful you have become. I told my students that your whole family was funny… we used to look forward to being entertained by your parents during times they came to school to discuss you and Holly with us. Thanks again for visiting us and for helping to boost my reputation here. The kids couldn’t believe that I knew someone so cool!

Hey there Rusty,
I saw your show twice when it played in 2000. I loved it. When you did the show at the Enosburg Opera House I took my 76 year old Mexican mother in law to it. The look on her face when she was trying to figure out some of the jokes was priceless. Anyway I was watching SNL on Comedy Central the other night and saw you on it and I was like, “Hey I know that guy.” It is pretty cool when you can see mainstream movies and TV and say I have met that guy and been to his show. Keep up the good work and hopefully I will get to the High School in Burlington tomorrow or the next day to see your show again. From a proud fellow Vermonter and fan.

image5 Hi Rusty,
I’m writing to ask if you wouldn’t mind taking a little time out of your crazy schedule to brighten up one lady’s day. My Mom has been a big fan of yours from the Logger’s beginning. She still talks about a phone call she had with you a couple years ago. She enjoyed your calendars and first video. She ahs put your latest CD on her Christmas list! She is only 66 years old and has terminal cancer. She only has a short time left with us. She is staying at our house so that we can better care for her. Yesterday from her bed she was able to watch your Logger Holiday special on VPT – we all had fun watching it! I was wondering if you would send Mom a card?!! (I’m asking you because I know what kind of a sport you are – you once tried to sign my son’s stuffed dolphin he won at the fair)

That was the sweetest thing you did! You sure did brighten my Mom’s day! Thank you for taking the time to write a note and send her the CD (that was a complete surprise!) – let’s hope it can withstand the constant playing it will be subjected to! She quickly had me put a sticker on the back of her wheelchair (“cause Rusty put them on the back of the girls!”) I keep wanting to tell you all the little things that have happened since her receiving that package yesterday – but neither one of us has the time! Just know that you have brought a tremendous amount of joy to a very dear woman! Good luck with your future! You are funny and very multi talented! We all look forward to seeing you again!! Thanks again!

So, I bought tickets and am going to make the hike up to Burlington to see you. When will you be coming to my neck of the woods?? (Bennington) By the way, my 3 year old son loves the part about “… and Grandma’s hanging Dunkin’ Donuts on our Christmas tree.” I downloaded it to play and he overheard it. Now he won’t stop singing it! How do I explain to a 3 year old what “hammered” is?

image6 Hi.
I listen to you every Thursday morning on WOKO. People at work laugh at me because I am usually on my way to work when you are on. If I happen to get to work while you are still on, I sit in the car with the radio on till you are done before I go in! I just think you are GREAT and hope you will be doing what you are doing for a long time. Good luck and safe traveling.

Hello Rusty,
I was raised in Northern Vermont right up until I joined the Navy at 19 and have been there ever since. My mother sent me a copy of The Logger and The Logger II. I really enjoyed them. I’ve got 7 years of this left and I can retire and go back to Vermont and be a real Logger if there are still trees to cut. I am stationed over seas in Bahrain in the Persian Gulf and don’t get much of a chance to hear the Vermonter dialect. I never thought that as young man getting picked on about the way he talked I would ever miss that. In your interview at the end of The Logger with Mert Pike and the other fellows, the one gentleman was said he didn’t realize all the things he could do until he went into the service. Well afterwards I thought about that and he is exactly right. Hell I’ve done everything from milk cows to cook in one of them fancy restaurants. - A fellow Vermonter

Dear Rusty,
I think perhaps there should be a label on your tapes saying: “caution,
these could be hazardous to your health, and perhaps even addicting.” The reason? Hazardous to my health: I was laughing so hard when listening, while driving, I had to pull over to the side of the road in order to get the tears from laughing out of my eyes. Regarding the addiction: I have listened to only three-quarters of one of your tapes, for the first time, and I’m already looking around for others. Keep up the good work. (Just don’t tell the surgeon general)!

image7 Rusty,
I picked up your tape along with a QP of gummy bears at Val’s this afternoon as road fuel for the journey South from Stowe to Amesbury, MA. I laughed so damn hard, I almost ditched the far just South of Montpelier. Got any plans on playing in Southern NH or MA do ya??

Hi Rusty,
You outdid yourself last night. Your Holiday Variety Show was outstanding. God has given you many talents, and to sue them all to bring such joy and laughter for all of us is a true blessing. Thank you. May God bless you and your working crew. And to you and yours, a blessed Christmas.

Dear Rusty,
After writing to you about possibly coming to Green Mountain Union High to perform; I decided that I would take you up on your suggestion and check out your tour dates… so I did. Our family took in the 6 pm show on Saturday night. It was wonderful. My husband and I have a 15 year old son and a 14 year old daughter (going on 20!!). It has been a challenge to find something to that makes everyone happy. This was it, everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves, no one argued!! It was a perfect family get away. What a great gift… the gift of laughter. I am also a special ed teaching assistant in the public school system, and to watch the joy you gave to a young man in a wheelchair really touched my heart. How the simplest things can bring so much joy in to someone’s life. I find that amazing and heartwarming…Thanks.

Hello Rusty,
I am from New York State. The Adirondack Mountains. I just wanted to let you know what pleasure I got out of your video on NYC. I am going there in two weeks and you really made me smile. I listen to you on WOKO every Thursday morning on my way to school. I am a teacher’s aide; I go into school Thursday smiling from ear to ear. Thank you so much for making my day bright.

image8 Hello –
Just wanted to say I went to Castleton State College with my daughter last evening to a comedy show. I work 11 to 12 hours a day and the last thing I want to do at the end of the day is go out. I had the best time! If felt good to laugh. Thanks. I can’t wait to come to one of your shows again. Thanks so much for the laughs, you great.

Dear Rusty,
No joke. I feel honored to know you. I know you may act humble in receiving this message but you need to know that you really made a difference today for a lot of students. You are so real and wonderful. It was so cool to hear your views and responses to all the questions.

I love how honest you are and how you share what is important to you. Thank you for being kind and sending messages that I, [as an educator and citizen] think are so incredibly important for kids to hear - especially from someone like you. I understand how busy you are and I can tell you the kids felt special that you spent so much of your time with us.

I look forward to seeing you soon,
Thanks again

Here are some things the students have said about your talk:

"Interesting how his past jobs gave him his career"
"I liked his opinion on the war"
"I like how he thought about money"
"Neat how he said not to judge people by the way they looked"
"I liked his reasoning for liking "Jack Ass"
"I really learned a lot. I did not know who he was, other than from his movies. I like him a lot and how he acts like himself and no one else"
"Cool how he started shoveling stones and now has alot of money"
"I liked how he doesn't drink"
"I learned so much from him. - I loved how he said do what you want and don't base it on money or others or what other people have"

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